Sunday, July 20, 2008

Oh, look what I found!

Because I have nothing to do as of the moment, I'm sharing with you this archive which I took hundreds of years, the time when mankind was still on the lower part of the food chain. Joke.

Just to prove that I'm not crazy nor psychologically unwell . I'll share with you this video of mine.
Don't get me wrong, It just proves that I'm a completely normal person. 100%.

Note: By the way, this isn't really me. It's my alter-ego doing what he does best. Messing around....

Warning: This video contains images which some may find disturbing. If you are a young person and have any doubts about viewing this video, parental guidance is strongly advised.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Special Examination Schedules

Good day!

For those who haven't taken the Prelim exams for English 1 and 3, I will be conducting special exams on Monday (July 21) to Wednesday (July 23) only. Failure to take the said exams on the following date means that you have forfeited your chance and will not be given anymore considerations.

Here are the respective schedules for your the SE:

Monday- 8:00-10:00 am / 1:00-2:30 pm
Tuesday-10:30-12:00 nn / 1:00-2:30 pm
Wednesday- 8:00-12:00 nn

Good luck and God bless! :D

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Schedule of Prelim Exams

Hi. There seems to be some conflict of schedules with my Eng 1a and with their other subject. I'll check with Maam Marce tomorrow on the final scheds to follow. Ill keep you guys posted.
Good day! Sorry for not updating the blog recently. I promise to overhaul this one with more features and will upload the photos as soon as I get hold of them. I've been busy with something else.
Anyway, I'll keep you guys updated after the prelim exams. By the way, here are the respective schedules and room assignments on some of my English classes.

Godbless and Goodluck!

July 17 (Thursday)

MC 4-- 5:30-6:30 PM--Room 314

July 18 (Friday)

English 1a--8:00-9:00 AM--Room 206 ( Conflict with NSTP 1)

English 1 -- 8:00-9:00 AM--Room 207

English 3--3:00-4:00 PM-- Room 309

*To be updated* Some of the other Communication subjects are yet to be finalized.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Care for some questions?

A student of mine asked me about the Visayan word for toothpaste and I thought of an  answer. Hmmm. He said he'd treat me with burger and fries if I get the correct answer. But I don't think there is a Visayan word for that simply because it is not found on our native language, these are borrowed words much like other words like the term snow. Well, there is a tagalog word for it, niyebe but still that word is borrowed from the Spaniards. Something to think about: If a word does not exist in a vocabulary it will simply not exist at all?

And so I thought of finding the answer from the web but instead found a hundred questions which left me a lot more questions. Here's a little something from the net...hope you like made me laugh actually...i dug these stuff on

1. Why is the word "abbreviation" so long?2. Is there another word for synonym?
If corn oil comes from corn, where does baby oil come from?
Why are there five syllables in the word "monosyllabic"?
Do they sterilize needles for lethal injections?

And the list goes on and on....stay tuned for more of these questions. :)

Welcome all!

Welcome to the very first blog that I created for my English and Communication subjects. Its purpose is to use the web as a tool for education and discussion in lieu of the traditional ground for learning: the classrooms. This blog will be used on my classes in Lourdes College, since the practicality applies on the class suspensions this is an effective tool to make up for the meetings on class. Shall we get started then? ^_^

It's primary objective is to provide the students a venue for which they will be able to interact with one another, cultivate ideas, enhance their awareness on the English language developments, and forming bonds of friendship for which they can share their experiences and come up with new concepts. Being critical is necessary on commenting on certain topics of the blog, and it must have depth as well as humor.

As early as now, I congratulate you for finding my blog in this interlinking web of the chaos and information overload. I am currently looking for a time since I often get busy with something else rather than blogging.

SO, IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS DON'T HESITATE TO EMAIL ME or better yet see me in person. The schedule of consultation is posted at the Arts and Sciences Office.

Once again, welcome!